Fashion | Design | Looks |
corsets | lingerie | shoes | etc
corsets | lingerie | shoes | etc
We are delighted that you are visiting us here at The Fashion Emporium – where we will be sharing with you some great fashion tips, trends, sales and so much more – think fashion & think fab!
All the bloggers here are avid fans of fashion, design and things that make you feel good.
Our aim is very clear
we write about fashion, what we think and what we know – then we share it on here!
Good old fashioned blogging.
We started this site as we thought there was a lack of ‘real’ fashion and design blogging. There are lots of sites out there that love to share their thoughts but really without much depth. generally, you’re shown a picture – given a few sweet sentences and that’s it! We really want to be a little deeper than that. We actually want to get you, the reader, involved too. What do you love? What do you hate? Do you have some fashion tips for others? Share them thoughts with us!
What you see is what you get with us and we are just in the middle of adding fresh content to our site, starting with out thoughts on corsets! So do bookmark us and visit us more often for some great advice!